#sugar #obesity #insulinresistance #diabetes #inflammation #cholesterol #cancer #allergies #heartdisease
The natural healing process of the body involves inflammation.

The body releases chemicals to help protect itself and fight off harmful organisms when it is injured or infected. Redness, warmth, and swelling may result from this.
It is normal for certain foods, like sugar, to cause inflammation in the body.
However, excessive consumption of inflammatory foods may result in low-grade chronic inflammation. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and allergies are just a few of the serious health issues that can result from this.
A diet high in added sugar has been linked to obesity, insulin resistance, increased gut permeability, and mild inflammation in several animal studies.
Studies on humans confirm the connection between elevated inflammatory markers and added sugar.
Sugary beverages can increase inflammation levels. Additionally, this effect may last for an extended period of time.
Inflammatory markers, insulin resistance, and LDL cholesterol increased when 29 healthy people consumed just one 375-ml can of soda per day, which contained 40 grams of added sugar. Additionally, these people tended to put on more weight.
Sugary beverages can increase inflammation levels. Additionally, this effect may last for an extended period of time.